Thursday, October 22, 2009


Here are some pictures of my Rosigold mango tree. It is about 1 meter tall and a year and a half old. I recently acquired it from a nursery in Orlando. I would like to know if the black spots indicate anthracnose or some other fungus/disease/pest.
I would also like to know how concerned I should be, whether I should fear it spreading to my other (different cultivars) mango trees of similar size and age, and what I should do about it. I'm not thrilled about the idea of spraying with anti-fungal treatment, so if there is an alternative I would prefer that. Thank you for your help!


Click on pictures for larger, high resolution images.

Whole tree with reference for size.

Top of tree - stem.

Side branch - stem.

Main stem - leaves.

Side branch - leaves.
Closeup of side branch leaves.

Bottom of stem.